
Alkaline Diet

Alkaline Diet Recipes: Delicious Summer Squash Soup

Alkaline Diet Recipes: Delicious Summer Squash Soup

Living a good life is all about balance – exactly what alkaline diet recipes can bring to the table. There is a common misconception that when you want to lose weight, be healthier, or simply reduce the symptoms of an illness, you have to make a temporary drastic change.  Truth be told, your body does not like anything that takes it out of the comfort zone, not to mention something that involves starving yourself, surviving only on water, or some sort of liquid diet fad – for a week or two.

What does alkaline water have to do with the alkaline diet?

What does alkaline water have to do with the alkaline diet?

Alkaline water compliments an alkaline diet. Good food is usually associated with enjoying a good life. But, being mindful of what you eat or drink should not be seen as a set of restrictions that prevent you from being happy. Every single day we have to make countless choices regarding various situations in our lives, including our diet and level of hydration. In short, it is up to you whether you pick something healthy or not.